The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 371: Breaking Through Metabolic Gridlock & How Fat Loss Actually Works - With Guest Dr. Jade Teta



It’s no secret that your metabolism is an important part of your ability to burn fat, as well as other crucial bodily functions. In the health and wellness space, there’s a lot of talk about boosting your metabolism in order to change your overall body composition. But when it comes down to it, there’s much more to your metabolism than its rate.  You don’t need to boost your metabolism in order to have a healthy body—you need a flexible metabolism. If you have a flexible metabolism, you can tap into different sources of fuel and still perform at an optimal level. The good news is, you can train your body to do this, and over time, you can discover the optimal way of eating your specific body.  Healthy metabolic function is essential to overall health, but it’s also incredibly complex. Today, Dr. Jade Teta is here to simplify this process. He’s sharing simple rules on how the metabolism works, and how you can learn more about your individual metabolic process to create a strong, healthy, and metabolically flex