The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 348: Diversify Your Mental Inputs And Step Into Your Purpose



True wellness is multi-faceted—it encompasses nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and so much more. Interesting research is emerging suggesting that we are healthier (and we live longer) when we have meaning and a sense of purpose in our lives.  But what does it truly mean to have a purpose? This idea has become distorted in our culture. Words like passion and purpose are often overused and misconstrued. Uncovering your purpose is not always an enlightening epiphany. We are all passionate and purpose-driven, but sometimes stepping into that power is easier said than done. The truth is, no one is going to give you permission to live the life that you want. You are not going to be handed your purpose on a silver platter—it’s something for you to discover, and ultimately choose for yourself. On today’s show, you’ll learn three specific steps you can take to diversify your thinking and walk in your purpose. I hope you’ll listen intently, take good notes, and become inspired to fully and authentically s