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TMHS 003: The Truth About Breast Cancer - Share this with every woman you know!



In this episode of The Model Health Show we get into a serious conversation about breast cancer, the treatments, prevention, and underlying causes. Most of the women who are diagnosed with breast cancer aren't given the courtesy of actually knowing how the cancer in their body was created. This show is going to shine a whole new light on that. If you're life has been impacted by breast cancer, or any type of cancer for that matter, then this show is going to have a huge influence on you for many years to come. Not only do we take an in-depth look at the underlying causes of cancer, but we also get into specifics about reversing cancer and preventing cancer in the first place. In this episode you’ll discover:  Why breast cancer rates have skyrocketed in the last few decades. What percentage of breast cancers are actually due to genetic mutations (this will shock you!) How the function of your immune system is intimately related to cancer. The 6 critical distinctions to understand about how cancer is created a