Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Is your home making you sick?

 David Milburn #311



Asthma and allergies are on the rise along with other ailments caused by polluted indoor air; such as headaches, dizziness, depression, respiratory infections, throat and ear infections, colds and flu. The WHO has listed air quality as the single biggest environmental threat to public health. The air we breathe is directly linked to our health. Poor quality air is consistently linked to a laundry-list of health complaints. But what about our mood and energy? If avoiding getting sick, less allergies, and improved sleep counts as managing meh, then cleaner air works. If you live on a busy road with lots of traffic, this is especially important. And while most of us think that air pollution is something that happens outside, 90% of our time is on average spent indoors. And the air we breathe inside is often even worse. It can be up to five times more polluted with mold, chemical gases, carpet fibers, dust, bacteria, viruses, pollution and toxins from overcooked food (a big one). I use an Air Angel, mainly in my