

One thing that eludes a lot of people in the podcasting world is how to actually make money from their podcasts. This is especially true for people who have a “passion” podcast like I do and didn’t start with any kind of monetization plan. Thankfully, I’ve been interviewing a lot of spectacular people for my Podcast Prodigy course and have gotten some awesome ideas on how to monetize your podcast. Sponsored by: - How to start a popular podcast that gets 1,500 - 3,000+ listens per show Here are 19 of my favorites: Bonus: Click here to get the PDF version of 19 Ways To Monetize Your Podcast. 1. Sell sponsorships. This is a very popular option for many podcasters. If you have a good amount of downloads per podcast episode (John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur On Fire tells me that the sweet spot for attracting sponsors is 3,000 downloads per episode), you can sell ad space to sponsors. 2. Find coaching clients. I was recently talking to Michelle Evans of the Breaking Free podcast. She told me that