The Becoming Superhuman Podcast

Ep. 178: Sachin Patel On Functional Medicine And A Holistic Approach To Health



Greetings, SuperFriends! This week we are joined by another SuperFriend that I made out there in the real world, someone who I really bonded with when I met them. His name is Sachin Patel. Sachin is a functional medicine practitioner who runs the institute called The Living Proof Institute. He actually started his career out as a chiropractor, but has since then become a father, husband, philanthropist, functional medicine practice success coach, international speaker, and best-selling author. His philosophy, as you guys will learn, is that "The doctor of the future is the patient". And he's actually going to explain exactly what that means and how he and his company are putting that into practice and into reality. I really enjoy every conversation that I've had with Sachin, because he has really done the necessary work and he really has the knowledge. He knows much more than many medical doctors out there, and, in this episode, we share our passion for geeking out and optimizing on the human body. You will d