The Becoming Superhuman Podcast

Ep. 145: Separating The Gold From The Garbage: We Talk Supplements w/ Industry Insider Ben Harris



Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are going to be talking about a subject that we have not really covered in to too much depth, and that is the supplement industry. You might hear me or many other thought leaders talking about supplementation, about vitamins, about powders and nutrients and supplements... But you might not know much about the industry. You might think "well, is this for me? Is this something that I actually need to do?" And you're probably overwhelmed just by the sheer amount of options that are out there. So to help us sort through this a little bit, we've invited Benjamin Harris to the show. He is the co-founder of Nickel and Dime Supplement Club, a new company that is trying to make supplementation cheaper, easier, and more affordable for everybody. Although this episode is not a sales pitch, we definitely do talk a little bit about their products and how they're different. But then, we go into how you can discern the facts from the B.S. when it comes to supplementation, and a bunch of oth