The Becoming Superhuman Podcast

Ep. 93: Nootropics, Biohacking, & Brain Health w/ Stephen Fowkes



As you guys know, my connection to the “superhuman” world is the work I do in accelerated learning, speed reading, and memory techniques. And I would imagine that you all, like yours truly, are very interested in keeping your brains happy and healthy, as much if not more than the rest of your bodies. Well, today, we’re going to talk about exactly that - keeping your brain healthy - now and well into your old age. We are joined by Steven William Fowkes, the biohacker, author, and health expert behind Project Wellbeing, who’s spent the last 14 years promoting an insight into Alzheimer’s prevention. Now, you might not yet be the age where you need to worry about Alzheimer’s, but in fact, Steven’s words of wisdom apply to all age groups. That’s because he has authored or co-authored 6 books, and is a true renaissance man with interests and work spanning from nanotechnology to nutrition to material’s science. In this episode, we talk about all things related to the brain and improving it’s performance. We talk abo