The Becoming Superhuman Podcast

Ep. 54: Gabriel Wyner on Learning Languages & Becoming Fluent Faster



Today, we have a special treat for you, especially if you enjoyed our episode with language learning expert Benny Lewis. Today’s guest is Gabriel Wyner, the guru I turn to when I have difficult language learning questions. His book, Fluent Forever, completely changed the way I approach learning a language, and his extremely detailed, in-depth blog on the subject was an invaluable resource to me when I was learning to use some of the tools that have become so central in my learning toolkit. He also has tons of incredible products, from pronunciation guides, to comprehensive word lists ranked in order of importance, and much, much more. In this episode, we geek out pretty hard on the nitty gritty techniques to hack language learning. From how to learn vocabulary, to what words to learn, to hacking grammar, and much much more.