Muscle Expert Podcast | Ben Pakulski Interviews | How To Build Muscle & Dominate Life

127- Overcoming Anxiety through Nutrition with Ali Miller



Ali Miller is a certified dietitian, the host of the Naturally Nourished Podcast, and author of the new book The Anti-Anxiety Diet.  Ben and Ali sit down to discuss how you can mitigate anxiety through diet without the short term “feel good” junk foods.  Ali gives us her 5 R’s protocol to heal your gut and reset your neurotransmitter function as well as her method for women to cycle in carbs on a keto style diet to support hormone cycles.  Make sure to pick up Ali’s new book The Anti-Anxiety Diet, available everywhere Tuesday August 7th.   This episode is brought to you by Four Sigmatic!  One of the highlights from this show was Ali’s use of cordyceps as an adaptogen to optimize executive function.  If you want to experiment with this as well check out Four Sigmatic’s line of cordycep products and use code Muscle for 15% off of your order!   Highlights   “Exercise it the most underused anti-depressant and food is the most over-utilized anti-anxiety cure.“   Remove inflammation, restore the micro biome, rebuil