The Highly Sensitive Person Podcast

61: Amy Morin and Building Mental Strength



A popular misconception about Highly Sensitive people--to those who aren’t very familiar with the trait--is that HSPs are always emotionally fragile and not mentally strong. But this isn't true. You CAN be mentally strong and an HSP--it's all about your coping skills. That’s why I’m excited to share with you Episode 61's guest, Amy Morin, who is an expert on mental strength. Amy is a licensed clinical social worker, psychotherapist, professor, a TED talk speaker, and published author. In 2013, her post 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, went viral, and ended up being published into a bestselling book and translated into 20 languages. Her post was the most read article of all time on I was moved by her story and the challenges she’s dealt with in her life, and how she’s found a way to thrive and become an authority on helping others learn how to better cope. In this episode, Amy talks about: The most common thing mentally strong people don't do How to build mental strength Why seeing a t