Polyamory Weekly

537: Consensual sex ed with Ignacio Rivera



Ignacio Rivera shares their latest work on a variety of topics, including consensual sex education 0:00 Introduction and host chat Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com 1:30 Sponsorship: Relationship Decisions Lab is looking for survey respondents! The University of Utah Relationship Decisions Lab is looking for survey respondents who are looking to open up their relationships for the first time or who have opened it up before but are looking to open up again. To participate, go to www.relationshipdecisions.org, click on the Participants tab and select Open Relationship Project link. And remember, it’s for science! 2:30 Poly in the news Spike Lee’s new poly, pansexual Netflix series, She’s Gotta Have It Professor Bob reviews Professor Marston and the wonder Women 6:30 Interview: Ignacio Rivera Ignacio Rivera aka Papí Coxxx who prefers the gender-neutral pronoun “they” is a Two-Spirit, Black Boricua Taíno New Yorker currently living in Baltimore. Ignacio has spoken at home and ab