The Health Bridge

Ending Heart Disease with Guest Dr. Joel Fuhrman



Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death with an estimated 600,000 deaths annually in the U.S. alone. That means every 60 seconds someone in the U.S. dies from heart disease. To talk about these staggering numbers, Pedram Shojai welcomes Dr. Joel Fuhrman to The Health Bridge. Dr. Fuhrman is here to discuss the ways in which heart disease can actually be reversed and how it is not just a natural consequence of aging. Dr. Fuhrman is a board-certified family physician, a New York Times best-selling author, and an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing. What are ways to reverse heart disease? What are ways to prevent it in the first place? What role does food and diet play in affecting our chances of getting heart disease? In what ways has modern science and healthcare taken a handle on treating heart disease?