Inspired Conversations With Amy Schuber

EP 41 Heidi Sawyer, Best-Selling Author, Intuitive Sensitive



Heidi Sawyer is a natural intuitive sensitive with a unique understanding of highly intuitive sensitive people. Heidi Sawyer’s specialty is Highly Intuitive Sensitive People, knowing who they are, what affects them in life, and how to engage their incredible skills. She is an author and speaker whose best-selling courses are sold in 55 countries. Her popular book The Intelligent Guide to the Sixth Sense (Hay House) has been translated into four languages. Heidi is known for her powerful techniques to reveal and work the deepest parts of your psyche. Heidi knows who Highly Intuitive Sensitive People are, what affects them in life, and how to engage their incredible skills. These people are especially sensitive to the energy of others, have health niggles different to the average person, yet have an extraordinary skill to ‘see around corners’.