Gametime (audio) With Andy Zitzmann

162: Do Your Best with What You Got



Some days will be better than others and sometimes your best on any given day may not be the same. Today, I was unable to work out like I wanted due to a pulled muscle in my neck. In fact, I almost didn't even go to the gym. Then, when I went to the gym, my strength was down. I was frustrated to say the least. My lovely fiancé and trainer, Leanna, looked me in the eye and just said, "honey just do your best with what you can today." I immediately shifted and accepted that what I had today was less than usual, but still good enough to get a good workout. And I did, and I'm happy I did! The important lesson in life is to always do your best with what you got on any given day... if so, chances are you will step into your greatness more often than not! To being your best today :)