Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo Diet, Nutrition, Fitness, And Health

The Paleo Solution - Episode 389 - Robb & Nicki Q&A #3



Hey Folks! We're back with another Q&A episode! If you have a question for a future episode, especially questions for Tyler and Luis of KetoGains on the next Q&A, submit them here   Show Notes: (2:49) 23 and Me Kristin says: Robb and Nicki! Loved the first q&a back! I wanted to ask an expansion on the FTO gene Polymorphism question. I my self also ran my 23andme data through FoundMYFitness as a Rhonda Patrick follower and I have the similar FTO well several FTO genes came up but also the PPAR alpha gene came up that I know is a big part of ketosis. My question is can I attempt and Keto diet and Ketosis with using mainly PUFA and MUFA and still achieve ketosis with this polymorphism or am I better off to not focus on achieving ketosis?Thank you for all that you put in the world I just received you Wired to Eat book and started reading it! Love it so far!Kristin NOTES: FTO: Fat Ma