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#172 The Problem with our Food Supply, How to Overcome It, & Reach Our Potential w/ Teri Cochrane, The Wildatarian



(While eradicating cancer and neurodegenerative disease from our planet!) Teri Cochrane is an integrative practitioner, certified coach, herbologist, function nutritionist, founder of the Cochrane Method, and author of the Wildatarian Diet: Living as Nature Intended. Teri specializes in getting people to their potential and my conversation with Teri will definitely help you get to the next level.  It’s full of both big-picture ideas to make you a better thinker and decision-maker while getting down to actionable steps that you can take to improve your health. We keep this episode very “consumer-friendly” so an everyday person can listen in and find out:  How to become better at systems thinking, decision-making, and become a “solution seeker.”  How Teri’s background managing a billion dollars as a risk manager for a Fortune 50 company led her to produce a systems mindset and create the Cochrane Method.  She even gives tips on how you can become a better systems thinker using your own personal algorithm. Why T