Live Different Podcast: Business | Travel | Health | Performance

#138 7 Figure Business Method: Breaking $1 Million as a Digital Nomad with Matt Wilson and Chris Reynolds



Chris Reynolds of The Business Method podcast interviewed Matt in this episode. Chris is the founder of and Get Shit Done events. His podcast, The Business Method, focuses on interviewing successful entrepreneurs and high-caliber individuals on how to minimize work time, build successful businesses, improve productivity, and live happier and more fulfilling lives. Matt Wilson is an adventurer and the CEO and co-founder of Under30Experiences, a travel company for people ages 21 to 35. He is also the host of the Live Different Podcast on health, travel, business, and performance. Matt has interviewed many interesting people from the likes of NBA superstar Kareem Abdul Jabbar to the president of Starbucks. Matt is also part of the invite-only Young Entrepreneurs’ Council (YEC) and is a shareholder of the Green Bay Packers. He has completed the Crossfit Level 1 Coaching Course and hosts fitness and yoga retreats in his spare time.   In this week’s episode, Matt shares how his business came a