Live Different Podcast: Business | Travel | Health | Performance

#88 Advocate for Your Health, Take Risks, and See Your Life as an Experiment w. Jennifer DeSimone



Jen DeSimone is Under30Experiences’ Chief of Community and a certified life coach. Jen’s passion is to support people living their most radiant lives. As the Chief of Community for U30X and a lifestyle coach, Jen is able to support her passions and live a fulfilled lifestyle. She is also a strong advocate for the importance of taking risks in your life. We kick off the conversation speaking about our relationship with food and how to feel empowered eating foods catered to your body. Jen speaks about her health journey and how she approaches food choices as an opportunity to play as adults. She also opens up about being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and how it impacted her to make a change in her meal choices. In this episode we really dive in the topics of health, choices, diets, and how to begin crafting a diet that’s right for you. Nobody is going to care more to take time to learn about your body than you, so invest the time to find the content that speaks to you and peaks your curiosity.