Live Different Podcast: Business | Travel | Health | Performance

#85 Live Longer, Happier and Healthier Through The Power of Community w. David Spinks



David Spinks is the Founder and CEO of CMX Media. CMX is an association for community managers that provides events, membership, and training for teams and companies on how to launch and scale communities. He started CMX Summit and CMX Hub after he noticed that the thousands of community builders in the world weren’t talking to one another. Ultimately, David seeks to help and empower communities through his work with CMX Media. Our episode this week is all about how community can help us live happier, healthier, and longer lives. We discuss how to find our community, and even how we can create our own tribe. For all of human history, community has played a vital role in our safety and sense of purpose. Over the years, quality connection has been replaced by quantity - leading us down the path of a thousand connections, but has simultaneously left us feeling alone. In this episode we talk about how finding community in the 21st century can be challenging, but is imperative to our wellbeing. David gives us act