Live Different Podcast: Business | Travel | Health | Performance

#81 Challenge Yourself: 4 Ways to Find Flow and Crush Your Comfort Zone



I, Matt Wilson, was officially homeless.   Tamarindo, Costa Rica July 2012 My apartment in New York was packed up, my stuff was thrown out, donated, or put in various friend’s attics.  I was free. I had nothing but my Marmot climbing pack on my back. Minimalism had been achieved.   Now it was time to see some shit. My plane landed in the eco-capital of the world-- Costa Rica, where 5% of all the world’s biodiversity lives.   Did I break out my bucket hat and birdwatching pants and head into the jungle?   Nope, I went to the most gringo town Costa Rica has to offer and took up surfing. Goal #1: Learn a new skill While I wasn’t exactly on an eco-lodge in the jungle growing my own food, hear me out… Tamarindo’s mix of surfing, partying, and people patient enough to listen to my broken Spanish was just what I needed. Little did I know, surfing would actually be a great way to get in touch with nature and even develop a little more understanding of the zen philosophy I had been studying. If you are looking to get