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#58 Failure to Breakthrough: Find Meaning and Build Your Life with Adam Smiley Poswolsky



Adam Smiley Poswolsky is a speaker at Fortune 500 companies, has written for Fast Company, Time, Forbes, and his latest book "The Quarterlife Breakthrough: Invent Your Own Path, Find Meaningful Work, And Build A Life That Matters" was endorsed by the Founder of Zappos Tony Hsieh.     Smiley has a passion for community and shares his strategies for surrounding yourself with great people all day long.  I ask Smiley how he coaches people through career changes, gets people to find what drives them, and how to make big asks.     In this episode you learn networking strategies for finding your next position and find out how Smiley landed writing gigs like Time Magazine and became a paid speaker all over the world.   If you are looking to make a breakthrough that pays your bills and makes you feel like you are contributing to a positive change in the world, this episode is for you.