Lashchat With Jamie

My View 1: Instagram & Self-worth



Introducing a new sub-series to the LashBase Podcast. Short, sometimes sharp, sometimes sweet views of the lash industry from Jamie @ LashBase. Taken from an IGTV video and filmed from a car. The audio quality isn't great but the message is clear. We hope you enjoy the first of many of these mini episodes. Let us know what you think via Instagram (@LashBase_Jamie & @LashBase_UK). Episode info: I have now witnessed more cases of lash artists Instagram account being hack than I can count on my hands. This more often than not happens when the lash artist is doing something that may not be "by the book" when it comes to using Instagram. A mysterious email offering "verification", a third party app promising to give them deeper insights or even an auto-engagement platform that will do all of your "liking" for you. It all sounds so enticing and helpful. But regardless of how it happens, losing your account is never fun.It's also ironic, the reason you can become a victim in the first place is also the rea