Couch Conversation

Ep2. 22/11/16 - Fantastic Beasts, and how to stop them shedding all over your couch.



Join Adam & Josh back on The Couch at last. After a few months hiatus due to some technical difficulties, the couch conversationalists are back on the air with a discussion on the recently released Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. Fresh of the cinema and having just seen the film the lads discuss what they liked, what they didn't like, and what they thought of various elements of the film interspersed with other tid-bits of information like what has Adam been doing at work, and what life events has Josh been buried deep within.... these mysteries and more will be answered.... or at the very least glossed over. Please be aware that this podcast is slightly spoiler-y with some references to some of the events in the movie, and what happens to some of the characters in the end, and some of the (what are presumably supposed to be secret) reveals. So you have been warned... maybe see the movie first if you're that concerned? So welcome back for episode 2 of what will now be more frequently made episo