Fast Cars Fast Girls

S4E9 - Call Your Mom (Or We Will)



Celebrating mother's day by chatting with some great INDYCAR moms. First up is Debi Berry, mother to Graham Rahal, followed by Beth BOles (starts about 51 minutes) mother to Conor Daly and a lot of driver's who have stayed in her basement. THey share great stories about their sons, and their own lives. It was interesting to hear all the stories.  Plus...because we love them, our mother's join us (1:16:00) and that's where the wheels fall off. Stories about us and them and growing up with your favorite INDYCAR podcasters! We hope you enjoy this episode we just had a blast! Please subscribe, rate, review, and share this podcast with your friends and family. Past episodes, show notes, and blog entries can be found on our website: please visit, contact us, and let us know what you think. Twitter @FastCarsin317 Instagram FastCarsFastGirls