Fast Cars Fast Girls

S4E4 - Video Games, Replays, and Us



Because of...everything we've been a bit inconsistent in dropping episodes. If you follow us on social media (links below) we dropped this in video format too. We're discussing the INDYCAR iRacing championship, NBCSN replaying some great INDYCAR races, and the new-new 2020 INDYCAR Schedule. Don't worry we're working on some great content for you all as we wait for June. Also keep an eye on our social media channels. They're all listed at or if you go to: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok and search "Fast Cars Fast Girls" you'll find us!  If you enjoyed this please subscribe, rate, review, and share this podcast with your friends and family. Past episodes, show notes, and blog entries can be found on our website: please visit, contact us, and let us know what you think.