Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 474



On this week's episode of the podcast, we prattle on about the goings on in Weatherfield between the 7th and the 11th June (Episodes #10344 - 10349). This week, romance is in the air for Dev and his unlikely new conquest, Bernie. We must say, despite some initial reservations about the prospect of the two of them getting together, we did quite enjoy them sneaking around on Wednesday, and Bernie's face when she tiptoed down the stairs was a picture. Speaking of pictures, what about that photo of Tyrone and Alina, eh? Utterly cringeworthy, but a great opportunity for some funny scenes in the flat! Meanwhile, the Purple Bricks sign goes up at the Rovers after Johnny decides to sell up, Nina finds the grief of losing Seb too much to bear and turns to the bottle, and there's a special delivery for Peter. Not a whole lot in the way of Corrie news this week, so we give The Kabin a swerve, but make up for it with a bumper feedback session, where we hear about your views on Corrie on the ITV Hub, Jenny and Johnny sp