Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

206 Love Yourself Says Can I Pick Your Brain Host, Daniel Gefen



Daniel Gefen is an online entrepreneur who has had crazy, wild successes. He seemed to know what he wanted at the crucial times, how to hold out and when to moveon. Yet, he’s also had times in his life when he felt burnt out and unsuccessful. Daniel truly knows how to connect with people and how communication can help you and can boost your business. Contact Info Website: www.DanielGefen.com Blog: FB: DanielGefen Instagram: @IPickBrains Podcast: Can I Pick Your Brain email: Daniel@DanielGefen.com Most Influential Person Rabbi Gersey Effect on Emotions When I'm in a mindfulness space, so my emotions are calmer. Mindfulness doesn't necessarily take away an emotion, but it kind of calms it down. It makes the emotion just a little bit more manageable. So a person could be really angry and you can get into a mindfulness place and it doesn't mean the anger's going to go away. You have a right to be angry sometimes. There's reason to be angry. The difference between being angry and out of control and [rooo