Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

174 Happiness, Joy and Peace Discovered After A 10 Year Search By Scott Wilhite



Scott Wilhite is an award-winning commercial filmmaker turned social entrepreneur. As a writer, producer, and director, he was enjoying a promising creative career without actually enjoying it. During ten of his most productive years, he found them to also be ten of his darkest, most unsatisfying years. He felt directionless and that his life was missing purpose and meaning. This all changed when a friend introduced him to the world of positive psychology and showed him the difference that comes from deliberately, consciously choosing what he mentally focuses on. With his personal transformation, he wanted to make the education easily accessible to others. Contact Info Website: www.ncourage.life Most Influential Person Shawn Achor (TedX Speaker) Effect on Emotions I had all this terrible stuff going on in my life which was so bizarre because so much of life was good for me but I didn't realize it so having those emotions now to where I'm more in control rather than being tossed around by something that s