Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

125 Feel The Energy Channels Through Your Feet With Ayurveda Explains Dr. Michele Summers Colon



Dr. Michele Summers Colon is a holistic podiatrist, practicing in southern California. She's been quoted in many well-known publications including USA Today, Bloomberg Business Week and US News. Dr. Michele has the ability to help women create balanced, healthy lives by looking at their overall health picture and applying her knowledge of both Eastern and Western medicine. She's maintained a private medical practice for over two decades where she uses her knowledge of yoga, reiki, reflexology and accupressure. Dr. Michele believes that food is medicine and that yoga, ayurveda and meditation are the keys to perfect health. Contact InfoWebsite: drmichele.com Most Influential PersonDeepak Chopra Effect on EmotionsI'm a lot calmer now. Thoughts on BreathingBreathing is the first thing you learn, especially, when you're trying to meditate. It's actually its own form of meditation. Suggested ResourcesBook: Getting in the Gap by Dr. Wayne Dyer App: Omvana Advice for Newbie I think it's a great tool