Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

117 Routines and Mindfulness Weekends With Bruce Langford



Back to Routine. Back to the habits we’ve created for ourselves. Last week we talked about Celebrations and Mindfulness because it was Canada Day and Independence Day, and perhaps a holiday for you if you’re in another country. We need to be able to bounce back to routine after a weekend or a week away. I’ve been at Podcast Movement this week, and I’m recording this episode ahead of time. Notice how your body feels during times when you are in your routine. Does it feel comfortable? Does it help you relax to be in your routine? See if you can become totally tuned in to your body and mind so you can remember the feeling you enjoy during these times. Also notice how you feel when you’re not in routine, like maybe times of celebration, thinking back to what we talked about on last weekend’s show. It can be a great feeling to just let go and do whatever you feel like doing at any moment. There are times for this. What does your body feel like when you’re experiencing this. When you’re devo