Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

110 Pornography Robs Us, Mindfulness Can Reverse The Damage Says Angus Nelson



Angus Nelson is a speaker, coach and facilitator and works with executives of the world’s largest companies. He’s spoken at corporate headquarters for Walmart, Whole Foods, Coke, Adobe and Swisscom. He’s also the annual MC of the ATech Conference in Aruba. His podcast, “Up In Your Business”, was recognized as a Top 20 Business Podcast of 2015 in Inc.com.  His book, “Love's Compass: How Do You Recover After a Lost Relationship”, earned him “Most Promising New Writer 2010”. Angus Nelson has been featured on Aol.com, Huffington Post, VentureBeat, SocialFresh.com, and the big three major television networks. Angus has also been recognized as a Top 5% speaker by Monster.com and “Volunteer of the Year, Wausau, Wisconsin”. Angus lives in Nashville, Tennessee, is married and has three children. [show-notes-bio] Contact InfoWebsite: www.AngusNelson.com Twitter: @angusnelson Free Ebook from Angus: Networking With Effectiveness and Credibility Download it Here [show-notes-contact] Most Influential Per