Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

109 Breathe In The Universe To Cope With Mental Illness Says Speaker Michael Weinberger



Michael Weinberger is a software engineer and who felt like his life was off the rails. Dealing with Bipolar Disorder, which caused eating challenges, depression and other difficulties, Michael decided to take measures into his own hands. He created a piece of software to help him cope by using mindfulness on a regular basis. The software kept him on-track and also helped him with his medications. Now Michael has made this solution available to others who deal with similar challenges. He also shares what he has learned about coping with mental illness by becoming a sought-after speaker and writer. Contact InfoWebsite: aplanforliving.com email: mweinberger@aplanforliving.com Most Influential PersonDr. Denise Brooks (My therapist) Effect on EmotionsMindfulness has allowed me to get my emotions in check, and emotions that were otherwise way out control. It gave me the opportunity to pause and take stock of where I was and what I needed to do. Thoughts on BreathingBreathing is probably the foundation of my m