Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

105 Consistency and Mindfulness Weekends With Bruce Langford



Consistency paired with mindfulness will help you achieve your most important goals. Stick with it. I'm sure you've heard that plenty of times. Consistency can be one of the trickiest concepts, because as humans, we tend to see things differently depending on our mood and the world around us. When you decide on a goal, it is important to also decide at the same time to be consistent. Create a habit to help you achieve your goal and keep that habit going. Be consistent and you will notice you'll start to do the action like its on auto pilot. This is what I found when I was learning to play the piano, then later the accordion and saxophone. Sometimes my mind would tell me the song was too hard, I'd never get the rhythms, and I might as well give up. In spite of those voices, I'd usually end up practicing anyway, and by being consistent, putting in the time and sticking with it, I'd eventually learn to play the piece of music I was working on. Quotes:“Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent