Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

095 Empty Your Mind and Focus On One Thought Says Productivity Expert Nick Snapp



Nick Snapp is an Engineer, Productivity Strategist and Podcaster. He combines productivity with purpose for entrepreneurial Moms and Dads who want their time back. He provides innovative coaching, training and consulting services for entrepreneurs who want to get the RIGHT things done.  He's also host of The "Make it Snappy" Productivity Show podcast. Nick’s faith fuels his love for people, culture, language learning, and his passion for working productively and living deliberately. Contact InfoWebsite: makeitsnappyshow.com Twitter: @TheSnappyShow Podcast: The Make It Snappy Productivity Show Most Influential PersonTim Ferris Effect on EmotionsIt causes me to take a pause rather than just act. It's not just about getting things done for me anymore, it's about getting the right things done. Thoughts on BreathingIf I get really worked up I take ten deep breaths, which is a really good strategy for me to calm down. So paying attention to breath is an important thing but like I said earlier