Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

091 Professional Juggler Entertainer Barry Friedman Explains How To Be Present and Mindful



Barry Friedman is a professional juggler, having performed at the White House, on The Tonight Show, at The Academy Awards and even for The King of Spain. Barry is also an advocate of The Sugar Free Lifestyle and strongly believes that processed sugars are responsible for multiple health problems and wellness issues. He has single handedly converted thousands of people to adopt a sugar-free eating pattern through his on-line ‘30 Days Sugar Free Challenge’. Barry IS Sugar-Free and he practices mindfulness to stay sharp, focused and grounded. Contact InfoWebsite: 30dayssugarfree.com Most Influential PersonMy Wife Effect on EmotionsIt keeps me present. It allows me to kind of run that litmus test about my dimmer that I mentioned awhile ago. Do I wanna go to war on this one, I think is the big question for anyone who is in a marriage has asked themselves is this the argument or is this the conversation I want to go to war over and it rarely is. Thoughts on BreathingMy son and our foreign exchange