Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

089 Achieve the Rich Life Through Gratefulness Says Financial Expert, Beau Henderson



Beau Henderson is an author, radio personality and passionate connector of people. He has coached over two thousand people to financial freedom through his RichLife network. His wisdom will become clear when you hear his show or read his books. Beau has a deep belief in gratitude, mindfulness and living a life of purpose. Beau graduated with a Psychology degree in 2001 and lives his life every day, meeting and helping other people as much as he possibly can. Contact InfoWebsite: beauhenderson.com Most Influential PersonSteve DeNunzio Effect on EmotionsI believe mindfulness has affected my emotions by showing up focused on the client in a more empathetic, compassionate and caring way that better serves the client and for some reason that naturally tends to create trust and gets a better result all around. Thoughts on BreathingBreathing's huge. I believe a lot of times my meditation is literally ten minutes of deep breathing and it's calming down because often I'll catch myself going throug