Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

087 Anxiety and Mindfulness Weekends With Bruce Langford and Jeffrey Agostinelli



Anxiety and mindfulness. "Compulsion can become a form of anxiety, like doing things just to do them." Jeffrey Agostinelli Anxiety can bring you down and it can also bring down a family. It can pull your life to a halt. When I think about anxiety, I think about a time when I was about eight years old, I lived on the farm with my family and I noticed that my mom was unhappy. She cried a lot. She seemed upset and I didn't know why. Then she got this rash all over her hands. It was psoriasis. At first it was little patches and then it got to be on more of her hands and up her wrists. It was red and raw and very painful. It was difficult for her to do anything. She would wear rubber gloves or cotton gloves to protect her hands. It was a really hard time because we all knew how much pain she was in and how much she was suffering. It seemed like there had to be a reason. She went to the Doctor over and over and the Doctor didn't know what to do. She tried different creams and nothing seemed to help