Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

082 Get a Retail Promotion and Be Happy in Your Day Job: Expert Advice From Kyle Hendrix



Kyle Hendrix is a promotions expert. He helps employees get moved up into positions where they can use their leadership skills to make a bigger difference in the world. Kyle gets totally excited whenhe’s able to help people reach their goals faster. Kyle practices mindfulness and has written a book called “It Starts With You”, which teaches the reader to consider what you’re focusing on and be mindful, in order to get to your goal faster. Contact InfoWebsite: www.brickandmortarleadership.com Blog:Brick and Mortar Leadership Most Influential PersonBrendon Burchard Effect on EmotionsIt has actually helped me take a step back and look at the bigger picture and say do I actually need to feel this way right now or am I over reacting or under reacting cause it can go both ways. That's what mindfulness has done for me on an emotional state. Thoughts on BreathingYou gotta breathe. I used to find myself especially talking to people that were in a higher position than me in retail. I used to find myself holding my b