Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

076 Let Your Brain Have a Monologue of Love, Compassion & Understanding; Alex Hofeldt



Alex Hofeldt is a high school science teacher, specializing in biology and astronomy. Fascinated with science, the brain and human communication, Alex is also immersed in mindfulness, well-being andfitness and loves helping others see how happiness can be reached through the daily practice of mindfulness. Alex is also a yoga teacher, fitness instructor and podcaster, sharing his knowledge with the world on his Podcast called  Beautiful Dust Specks. Contact InfoPodcast: Beautiful Dust Specks Facebook: Beautiful Dust Specks & Yobility Twitter: @yobility / @the_sciencepro Most Influential PersonTim Ferriss Effect on EmotionsIt slows me down in a great way. It opens you up and it slows you down to the moments of now. You look back on life and think about how many times you went from point A to point B without looking at all the different things in between. It also centers me a bit, it has an ease factor, it increases happiness, increases sleep, it's a wonderful tool to have in life. Thoughts on Breathing I