Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

073 Improve Habits of Thinking With Mindfulness Shortcuts; Alexander Heyne Shares How



Alexander Heyne is an expert in the field of weight loss and believes the secret to losing weight and keeping it off is found in daily habits. Alex is so adamant about helping people lose weight that heauthored a book called, Master the Day: Eat, Move and Live Better With the Power of Tiny Habits. Alex is sold on meditation and has lived in China, seeking out the guidance of sages and gurus. He also meditated and lived without food for 5 days in the Sahara Desert as part of a mindfulness vision quest. Contact InfoWebsite: ModernHealthMonk.com 2 hour bonus training - if you get Alex's book* and send him the receipt. *Master The Day: Eat, Move and Live Better With the Power of Tiny Habits by Alexander Heyne Most Influential PersonChinese medicine mentor Jay. Effect on EmotionsIt is that idea of less friction. I find that the days are so much smoother and the days where I have had most regular practice, where I have been the most conscious, have been easy. There is no car horn, no traffic and no emotional figh