Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

067 Use Play To Get Grounded In Mindfulness With Maribel Jimenez



Maribel Jimenez is an International Speaker, best-selling author and marketing mentor to women. She works with Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Consultants teaching how to launch 6 & 7 figure campaigns. She’s writtennumerous training programs and received well-deserved awards for her work. Maribel believes in helping to integrate peace, play, and prosperity into the entrepreneur lifestyle. Contact InfoWebsite: www.YourDreamLaunch.com Podcast: New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast Most Influential PersonDr. Joe Vitale Effect on EmotionsMindfulness has supported my very g rounded, relaxed, experience so that I can actually enjoy what I am creating. Thoughts on BreathingIt would shift [my breathing] if I was feeling anxious or stressed. I'm sure my breathing would change so I  think even connecting to it and I mean that is part of this meditative state of really just connecting to your breath and relaxing. Suggested ResourcesBook: The Game Of Life and How To Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn App: Calm Advice fo