Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

062 Cosmic Torture Strengthens the Faith of Zen Pilot Robert DeLaurentis



Robert DeLaurentis, is a pilot who absolutely loves flying his six-seater  plane; it’s a Piper Malibu Mirage. When he’s flying, he feels like he’s connecting with nature, because, as he says, you’reon top of cloud layers, flying by mountains, experiencing the rain and snow. In 2015, Robert flew around the globe in his plane, stopping at 22 countries over the span of 90 days. Robert embraces meditation and mindfulness and is known as the Zen Pilot. His book, “Flying Thru Life,” explains how to create an abundance of time and money in your life to pursue your dreams. Contact InfoWebsite: www.flyingthrulife.com Most Influential PersonSusan Gilbert (American author, entrepreneur and publisher) Effect on EmotionsIt has kept me calm in the most challenging situations and I have decided not too try and label things that are bad because I don't always know what the spirit's intention is for me. So by not judging them good or bad, I save the judgement of myself cause you can't judge a situation or a person without a