Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

061 How Habit, Hockey and Focus Make Terry Lancaster a Mindful Guy



Terry Lancaster is an entrepreneur, speaker, and author of the best selling book, BETTER! Self Help For The Rest Of Us. Through his business, Instant Events, Terry focuses his energy specifically on automotive advertising and has concentrated onthis segment of the market for over twenty years. Terry practices mindfulness as as a way to stay focused in his life. Through his speaking and writing, Terry helps his followers understand how to achieve their dreams through manageable goals and achievable steps. He helps people build better lives, using two simple strategies: habit and focus. Contact InfoWebsite: TerryLancaster.com Most Influential PersonDaniel Gilbert (Wrote the book, Stumbling on Happiness) Effect on EmotionsMindfulness has effected my emotions greatly, because my emotions used to run wildly. I never expressed my anger violently, I wasn't a screamer and yeller, but I could get angry and hold on to it for weeks. This was a huge detriment to my personal life, my family life and my married life. I'd