Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

060 Breathing For Mindfulness Solo Weekend With Bruce



Breathing and Mindfulness Mode “If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” - Amit Ray I lived for quite a while without realizing that anxiety can be conquered by focusing on the breath. When I was a kid, riding mbike through the paths among the corn and bean fields, all you could feel was the amazing feeling of the air. You could breathe so deeply and the the breath felt fantastic. It was an incredibly good feeling with the country air blowing through my hair and being able to fill up with deep breaths of air. Sometimes in my life I didn't feel the relaxed feeling of deep breathing. Sometimes in my life when I faced anxiety, I felt like I just had to be in nature. I went there and walked or roller blading among the huge trees. I feel a part of the trees and of nature. That was the only way I could feel satiated. On Mindfulness Mode, many of the people I interview mention breathing and how important it is. Mindfulness and breathing go together for many of my guests