Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

059 Sleepwalking, Marriage and Meditation Insights with Dr. Gay Hendricks



Dr. Gay Hendricks is one of the most outstanding figures in the field of relationships, transformation and bodymind therapy. He is an author and co-author of many best-selling books including Conscious Loving and Five Wishes. After a twenty-one-year career as a professor of Counseling Psychology at University Colorado, he and his wife, Katie, founded The Hendricks Institute, which is based in Ojai, California and offersseminars worldwide. Dr. Hendricks has  appeared on hundreds of shows including Oprah and 48 hours. He also founded The Spiritual Cinema Circle, which distributes inspirational movies to subscribers around the world. Contact InfoWebsite: www.Hendricks.com Facebook: Hearts In Harmony Most Influential PersonJiddu Krishnamurti, Indian Philosopher and Teacher - He said, 'If you can't meditate on a subway, you can't meditate'. Effect on EmotionsWhen I first began my mindfulness meditation practice forty years ago, I don't think I  knew anything about my emotions. I think meditation has opened up a