Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

054 Laughter, Humor and Mindfulness Solo Weekend With Bruce



Solo Weekends with Bruce Langford. Laughter and Humor is the topic. "There is joy in the present moment." This quote, by Pompe Strater-Vidal expresses the connection between mindfulness and humor. Humor and mindfulness fit together and there areso many ways they do. One of the reasons is because mindfulness is about letting go and its about allowing yourself to just enjoy the moment. How can we enjoy the moment more than having humor and seeing things in a laughable way. When I think of humor and laughing I instantly think of people like Pompe Strater-Vidal. She was a guest on my show, episode #19. Pompe has a great sense of humor, I asked her about her humor on the show. I said, "I love the way you laugh, and how much you laugh, where did this free, relaxing laugh come from?" She said her mom had a great sense of humor and she grew up with the humor. As she's grown older, she laughs even more. Another person I really got that feeling of joy from is Michael Sandler, episode #28. He has a wah-who (higher p