Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

052 Enhance the Effect You Have On Others With Mindfulness says Brandon Beachum



Brandon Beachum is a serial entrepreneur. He started his most recent business, called Resort Share, five years ago with zero capital, while living on his friend’s couch . Last year it was featured as one of America’sfastest growing companies. Brandon strongly believes in meditation and makes it a regular part of his life. One of his philosophies is visualizing his goals and taking steps forward as if those goals have already been met.  Brandon has a podcast called Positive Head. Contact InfoWebsite: positivehead.com Podcast: The Positive Head Podcast Most Influential PersonOsho Effect on EmotionsMindfulness has affected my emotions in a tremendous way. I'm someone who has a great energy to achieve and do things and make things happen and connect with people but I also can tend to get frazzled or excited in a negative way. Mindfulness is the path to healing that for me. Thoughts on BreathingRemembering that everything is a reflection and so if your breathing is shallow that is a reflection of how much bandw