Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

045 Manny Wolfe: Take a Step Back, Let Go and Check In With Your Heart



Manny Wolfe is a speaker, business coach, musician and author. He fully believes in giving whatever of value he can share with others. This includes voice coaching and speech consulting. Mindfulness has beena central part of Manny’s life for years and it has allowed him to chose a life of purpose and passion, doing what feeds his soul. Manny is the host of his own podcast called, The Steep Side of the Mountain. Contact InfoWebsite: www.TheSteepSideOfTheMountain.com Email: manny@thesteepside.com Podcast: The Steep Side of the Mountain Most Influential PersonBruce Lee Effect on EmotionsI try to teach them the same things that I now practice in my life. Mindfulness specifically, checking in with your heart to bring yourself right here, right now is the best way I know of to get out of future tripping and to be able to get yourself back into a calm, action plan making state of mind. Thoughts on BreathingBreath is life. We breathe differently according to what our parasympathetic nervous system is feeling. The