Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

043 Jiro Taylor: Re-Condition Yourself by Making Conscious Choices



Jiro Taylor is an adventurer from the heart. He loves surfing, skiing, exploring and digging deep into the philosophy of peak performance. Jiro is fascinated to learn what drives others to satisfy theirhunger for peak performance and he does just that as part of his podcast called Flowstate Performance. Jiro is an avid meditator and mindfulness enthusiast based in Manley, New South Wales, Australia. Contact InfoWebsite: www.flowstatecollective.com Podcast: Flowstate Performance email: Jiro@theflowstatecollective.com Most Influential PersonThich Nhat Hanh Effect on EmotionsMindfulness has allowed me to have the superpower to observe a thought before it's fully developed and therefore to make the choice as to whether I want to transform that thought or let it run. This has meant that I can abort thoughts or I can shift negative thoughts into positive thoughts or judgmental thoughts into more reasonable thoughts. This has had a huge effect on my self-worth and my compassion that I feel for other people. Thoug